Amida Care and NYC Orgs Publish 'Sexual Health + Pleasure' Magazine for Pride


In honor of Pride Month 2017, Amida Care has published a special community publication called "Let's Start a Conversation: Sexual Health and Pleasure," produced in partnership with The Ali Forney Center, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, Housing Works, Iris House, The LGBT Center, and SAGE.

The magazine takes an open, honest, affirming approach to exploring sexuality and sexual health. Community members, health care providers, and other contributors share everything from intimate details about sexual preferences to practical knowledge about safer sex. Topics include boosting sexual self-confidence, transgender sex, sex after 50, sexual health exams and screenings, and HIV and STI prevention methods.

"Sexuality is such an important part of physical and emotional health. Our goal for this magazine is to celebrate and honor the variety and authenticity of sexual experience in our communities," said Doug Wirth, president and CEO of Amida Care. "This is a forum that gives diverse voices the opportunity to freely express themselves in a sex-positive way. We're delighted that so many community members and partners participated and shared their views and knowledge."

The magazine also explores strategies to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, including the use of PrEP and PEP to prevent HIV transmission, substance use harm reduction that supports safer sex, and combatting HIV stigma.

Also featured is the campaign launched by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, "Undetectable = Untransmittable," to raise awareness that people living with HIV and taking treatment that keeps the virus suppressed to an undetectable level cannot transmit HIV to sexual partners.

Read the Sexual Health + Pleasure magazine here.

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