Trump Consults With Hate Group Leader: LCR Claim He's Not 'Homophobic'


Oh yeah, he's really pro-gay.

As the gay conservative group Log Cabin Republicans continue to tout Donald Trump as a "pro-gay" candidate, a recent interview with CNN has uncovered that the billionaire reality star turned politician consults the leader of an anti-gay hate group.

Earlier this week, as Trump tried to pass himself off as a devout Christian in front of a captive audience of evangelical students at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, he flubbed citing a Bible verse he quoted by saying "two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians." It was an honest mistake, but one that raised eyebrows about his authenticity regarding his knowledge of The Bible, which he said was his "favorite book."

In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon on Wednesday, Trump said that prior to the speech, he was given notes on what to say during his address to the students by Tony Perkins, president of the SPLC-designated anti-gay hate group Family Research Council.

"Tony Perkins wrote that out for me -- he actually wrote out 2, he wrote out the number 2 Corinthians," Trump said. "I took exactly what Tony said, and I said, 'Well Tony has to know better than anybody.'"

While some may perceive this move as a subtle shove under the Bible bus by Trump for the flub, Perkins fully admits his part in helping Trump with the speech.

"I'm guilty as charged," Perkins told CNN's Erin Burnett. "That's exactly what I did. I sent him a couple of suggestions of some things he could talk about as a connection point."

Perkins and The Family Research Council have broken with the pack of evangelical groups and other anti-gay hate organizations by not endorsing Trump's closest competitor Ted Cruz. To date, he has yet to officially endorse a GOP candidate for president.

In spite of the news of the Trump/Perkins connection, conservative group Log Cabin Republicans are touting the billionaire candidate as being gay-friendly. On Thursday, LCR posted a December 18, 2015 blog post from that highlight's Trump's history of supporting of LGBT rights prior to announcing his candidacy.

"Donald Trump simply has no reason to be homophobic," LCR posted to their Facebook page on Thursday. The post brought a wide spectrum of comments from users.

"Trump has cast gay people on his "The Apprentice" seasons, so he's definitely not homophobic," wrote one supportive LCR follower.

Another Facebook user was less impressed by the Donald's credentials.

"For the record. . If pro gay is your FIRST and ONLY criteria. . I am indeed disappointed and misinformed in my staunch support of Log Cabin," wrote user DeLena May. "Trump is no more qualified to restore our nation than a four year old. He is a despicable individual I have known since 1983. Don't unravel your objectives on a whim."

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