Gay Comedian Blasts GOP For Using 'Jeopardy!' .Gif on Site


A gay comedian and one-time "Jeopardy!" contestant slammed the GOP this week for using a .gif of him fiercely snapping after answering a $5,000 Daily Double about Arthur Miller.

In a post on Hitfix, Louis Virtel wrote he has been amused by his meme-ification, delighted to see the truly amazing .gif of himself on social media sites like Tumblr. But he was shocked when it came to his attention that the flamboyant .gif was also used on to promote the GOP's "Snap of the Union" - a campaign obviously geared towards social media obsessed millennials: "House Republicans will give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at President Obama's final State of the Union address. How? Via Snapchat, of course."

But Virtel was not having it and initially took to Twitter to call out the GOP over the party's stance on LGBT issues.

In his Hitfix post, he wrote: "Every fearful, closeted kid I knew growing up in suburban Illinois had one thing in common: ignorant, blindly adherent Republican parents."

Virtel adds:

So instead of "dragging" the GOP for being a gross, harmful creepshow that continues to endanger the lives of LGBT Americans, I will solemnly say this: The fact that the GOP can't detect gay pride in arguably the gayest "Jeopardy!" moment of all time is proof of their brutal ignorance. There is nothing sassy or cute about the GOP invoking my image to prove they're hip with the kids, who almost unanimously think they're a joke anyway. The GOP's aggressive, antigay hysteria fills me with contempt, and this is just another laughably moronic mistake to consider alongside their regressive legacy.

Virtel's .gif is still on the GOP's site. If you want to help him get through his time of need, Virtel has instructions:

Watch the "Jeopardy!" clip below, which has been viewed over 3.3 million times.

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