Wait, Says Cate: I'm Not Really a Lesbian

Winnie McCroy READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Stop the presses! Actress Cate Blanchett, who set the Interwebs on fire last week when she told a reporter she'd had "many" relationships with women, now says that none of these relationships were sexual. Boo!

Last week, EDGE reported that Blanchett had told a reporter who asked whether the film was her first-time dalliance with lesbianism, "On film, or in real life?" When pressed on whether she'd really had past relationships with women, she said, "Yes, many times."

Cynical readers will note that her "revelation" came just in time to raise hype around the release of her new lesbian-themed movie "Carol," which debuted at Cannes Film Festival this weekend. Based on the Patricia Highsmith novel, "The Price of Salt," the film depicts Blanchett as an older woman in 1950s New York involved in an affair with a younger woman, played by Rooney Mara.

But the UK Telegraph reports that Blanchett hasn't been involved with women after all.

"From memory, the conversation ran: 'Have you had relationships with women? I said 'Yes, many times, but if you mean have I had sexual relationships with women, the answer is no'," she said.

Reporter Ramin Setoodeh maintains that he did not distort their conversation, writing on Twitter that "When I asked Cate Blanchett if she'd had lesbian relationships in real life, she said: 'Many times.' She was accurately quoted."

Blanchett also added that nobody should care either way. Because people never care when an A-list star seemingly comes out as a former lesbian (aka hasbian).

"In 2015 the point should be: who cares? Call me old fashioned, but I thought one's job as an actor was not to present one's own boring, small, microscopic universe but to raise and expand your sense of the universe, to make a psychological and empathic connection to another character's experience so you can play them. So you can present another world to an audience," she added.

"My life is of no interest to anyone else. Or maybe it is, I don't know. But I'm certainly not interested in putting my thoughts and opinions up there," said Blanchett.

Yes, of course. I'm sure nobody on earth cares a whit about her life, except for maybe... almost everyone, because she's a huge star.

She said the world is still "deeply conservative" adding that she had found it interesting to play a character who kept her preferences a "private affair," in contrast to the modern day. Now, Blanchett said, gay people are too often compelled to "constantly" talk about their sexuality, which dominates all aspects of their lives and personality.

Oh, well excuse us for making up for centuries of living in the closet, Cate.

The Telegraph awarded Carol five stars, calling it "an exceptionally beautiful film, with a career-best performance from Cate Blanchett." Check out the video below.

by Winnie McCroy , EDGE Editor

Winnie McCroy is the Women on the EDGE Editor, HIV/Health Editor, and Assistant Entertainment Editor for EDGE Media Network, handling all women's news, HIV health stories and theater reviews throughout the U.S. She has contributed to other publications, including The Village Voice, Gay City News, Chelsea Now and The Advocate, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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