AIDS Help Announces Success of 'The SMART Ride'


AIDS Help Executive Director Scott Pridgen has announced that The SMART Ride (TSR) 11, the mid-November 165-mile biking journey from Miami to Key West, brought a total of $133,509.42 to the Agency.

The check distribution party, involving seven Florida Agencies, was held in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, January 10, emceed by TSR founder Glen Weinzimer.

The afternoon represented the culmination of a year-long effort to promote both AIDS Help as a beneficiary and to herald the achievements of the Lower Keys' cycling team, The AIDS Helpers, captained by David Meadors, noted local massage therapist.

Preceding that two-day ride came a flurry of local organizational meetings for riders and volunteers, fundraisers and meet-and-greets within the community.

One example: Saturday BINGO at Poinciana Royale, the 50-unit housing community that former SMART Ride funds helped underwrite, raised nearly $4100 toward the team's financial goals.

"That kind of homegrown, hands-on involvement has a direct correlation to the amount we're finally allotted," Pridgen noted. "The needs of Monroe County are great and we're humbled to exceed last year's financial award."

The 10th anniversary of The SMART Ride yielded $130,370.47 for the Agency.

The SMART Ride began in November 1993, with a total of 200 riders and crew. Since that inception, nearly $6.5 million has been raised and returned to Florida organizations working with HIV/AIDS clients -- the only one of its size to give back 100%.

AIDS Help has a long history with The SMART Ride. As Florida's oldest operating HIV/AIDS service organization, AIDS Help participated when it was known as BIKE It & B.E.A.R. It for AIDS, The Southernmost AIDS Ride 2 and the subsequent SMART Rides 3-11 (and invited back as a participant for #12).

The fruit borne by this effort are palpable: with some of this money, AIDS Help was able to complete Poinciana Royale, cited above.

"It's not just about gathering a great group of people to generate over $1,150,000 this year for direct services to the HIV/AIDS Community," Pridgen remarked. "It's as much about community outreach and opportunities to educate."

Pridgen, who himself rode as Rider #293 but became better-known as 'Pedals', couldn't help but add, "But depositing that check was pretty sweet."


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