Man on Scooter Arrested for Riding Stolen Meat Out of Wal-Mart

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 1 MIN.

SPOILER ALERT: There are more constructive and legal ways to accelerate the process of defrosting meat.

A 350-pound South Carolina man found his cold posterior in the proverbial hot seat Tuesday after local police arrested him for attempting to shoplift steaks from a Wal-Mart by sitting on the meat while he rode his motorized scooter out of the store.

According to a police report published on The Smoking Gun, Jackie Jenkins, a loss prevention associate employed at a Wal-Mart in Spartanburg, S.C., stated that while she was walking around the store's meat department, she observed Rodney Fowler, 43, select five packs of rib-eye steaks and place them in the seat of a motorized handicapped scooter he was riding around the store. Jenkins further stated that Fowler then sat on the steaks and rode his scooter out of the store passing the check out aisles.

After being detained by the store's security, Officer Adam Bailey arrived on the scene and placed Fowler, who is, according to The Smoking Gun, 5' 5" weighing approximately 350 pounds, under arrest. The police report notes that due to Fowler's size, two pairs of handcuffs were required to restrain him.

According to, Fowler, who had no prior record for shoplifting, spent three hours in police custody.

No mention has been made as to whether Wal-Mart re-shelved the meat for sale.

According to foodie website The Splendid Table, the best way to quickly and safely thaw packaged steak is to place it in 100 degree water.

by Bobby McGuire

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