Fed Up

JC Alvarez READ TIME: 2 MIN.

We're living in a state of emergency! Obesity is threatening to destroy our young people and hi-jack our nutritional state. At the rate we're going, the United States workflow will be incapable of producing or protecting itself, because we'll have eaten ourselves useless. In the documentary feature "Fed Up" narrated by Katie Couric, the subject matter of our world health is under the microscope, examining the nation's consumption of sugar in our diet and its unhealthy results.

It's a frightening wake-up call especially in our youth-oriented and body conscious obsessed society, that tends to ostracize anyone who doesn't fit the mold. Although the government is encouraging our kids to eat better, it's in direct conflict with existing policies that support the processed food industry, instigating a vicious cycle that is threateningly inescapable.

"Fed Up" examines how the food industry continues to convince the public that they're eating healthier...but they're not. There is just as much sugar in a "reduced calorie" product as there is in a regular option. Processed foods are not the way to go, especially if you're planning to lose some weight. But how can the nation survive when the pressure to eat healthy and to sustain a lifestyle of wellbeing is contrary to everything we're told by advertising.

But it goes beyond just the consumption of vastly processed foods against cleaner eating. It also plays into how kids are targeted using marketing tailored to appeal directly to kids, and kids especially who develop poor eating habits leading to obesity. What are some alternatives, and which ones can we live with -�longer and healthier? If you haven't lost your appetite yet, by the end of "Fed Up" you will have.

The Blu-ray also includes a Spanish language version of the film.

"Fed Up"
is available on Blu-ray and DVD for $29.99

by JC Alvarez

Native New Yorker JC Alvarez is a pop-culture enthusiast and the nightlife chronicler of the club scene and its celebrity denizens from coast-to-coast. He is the on-air host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Out Loud & Live!" and is also on the panel of the local-access talk show "Talking About".

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