Gay Fitness: The Benefits of Yoga

Chris Sosa READ TIME: 2 MIN.

If clearing your mind, improving your posture, balance and flexibility sound good to you; then you definitely need to give yoga a try. A yoga workout contains a series of poses or postures focusing on inhaling and exhaling. Proper yoga practice asks that you inhale through your nose and exhale through your month; expanding your diaphragm muscle and then completely emptying your lungs. This deep breath improves circulation, your ability to stretch further into the poses and rids your body of toxins.

There are many different methods and schools of yoga. Instructor Nick Mitchell takes an athletic approach to the traditional yoga practice. He enjoys the benefits from fundamental yoga practice but challenges himself and others to add weight to improve core strength. He incorporates free weights into many of his postures to not only improve core strength but increase your flexibility and balance. For those that feel more comfortable with a rack of dumbbells nearby, Nick's "Iron Yoga" class is definitely your speed. The fact that you can find your center, clear your mind and work out your core all at the same time, speaks volumes about how dynamic and engaging Nick's class is.

Stretching is too often overlooked by many fitness enthusiasts but stretching is extremely important for muscle recovery and helps prevent potential injuries. In order for your muscles to recover properly and to ensure that you receive the most from your workout you have to stretch. The stretching aspect of yoga is very beneficial for the addicted Bodyteker or gym goer. Bodytek now offers a "Stretch, Strength, & Stability" class taught by Derick Pierson which is another great way to improve your flexibility, strength and balance.

by Chris Sosa

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