Woman Posing as Boy Accused of Tricking Girl into Having Sex

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A woman from Massachusetts, who is being accused of dressing and posing as a boy, may be charged for having in inappropriate sexual conduct with a 15-year-old girl, the Smoking Gun reported.

An affidavit sworn by an Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force investigator said that Carissa Hads, 24, posed as a 17-year-old boy named "James Puryear Wilson" and met the teenager, who is from West Virginia, on a social networking website in late 2010.

The 24-year-old was arrested two weeks ago and is being accused of coercing or enticing a minor. She faces up to 30 years in prison and a judge declared her a flight risk and a danger to the community.

Hads created Facebook and MySpace profiles under the alias and described "Wilson" as a youth pastor who lived in Quincy, Mass. -- where Hads lives. The Facebook page said that "Wilson" was the father of twins and was "looking for some people to talk to. No fake pages or pervs."

The teen, who is in the affidavit under the name "A.L.," became "involved in an Internet romance" with Hads under her "Wilson" identity. Hads sent "A.L." two cell phones so she could contact "Wilson," paid for her phone bills and gave her a Kindle Fire tablet.

After talking for more than a year, "Wilson" asked to meet "A.L." in person. The teen's mother arranged and came on the date.

An affidavit by a West Virginia state trooper says that "Wilson" claimed to have flown from Massachusetts to Pittsburgh and stayed in the same motel as "A.L." and her mother, who also brought two other girls. The girl's mother allegedly paid for "Wilson" to stay in a separate room. The trooper says that "'Wilson' digitally penetrated 'A.L.'s vagina" during the meet-up.

Two months later "Wilson" flew to West Virginia for five days where he and the teen had sex. "A.L." said that "Wilson" did not undress and "pulled his 'penis' through his unzipped pants, and held on to the base of the 'penis' during the sexual encounter." The girl said the encounter was recorded.

Hads was arrested last month after traveling to Pittsburgh for what she thought would be her third time having sex with the teen. She did not know that "A.L" was working with the authorities.

When Hads was arrested police found a "fake, flesh-colored penis" in her front pants.

The court affidavit says that authorities first suspected Hads of criminal conduct after a complaint was sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which alleged that "Wilson" made a threat against a 15-year-old girl who is a friend of "A.L." "Wilson" apparently made the threat after the girl told "Wilson" that she did not believe "who 'he' said 'he' was."

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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